New Testament Angels

Angels are active throughout the New Testament as special messengers of God. The news that she would give birth to the Messiah, the Savior of the World, was brought to Mary by the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38). Following are other New Testament events in which angles played a role.

Angels in the New Testament
Personality Angel's Action Reference
Zacharias Revealed to Zacharian the forth coming birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:11-20
Joseph Assured Joseph of Mary's purity; warned him of Herod's plot; told Joseph about Herod's death. Matt 1:20-25; 2:13; 2:19-20
Shepherds Announced Jesus' birth to them. Luke 2:8-15
Jesus Ministered to Jesus during His temptations; strengthened Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; rolled away the stone from the tomb and announced His resurrection. Matt 4:11; Luke 22:43; Matt 28:2-6
Apostles Predicted the Second Coming of Jesus; released the apostles from prison Acts 1:10-11; 5:17-20
Philip Sent Philip into the desert to meet the eunuch Acts 8:26
Cornelius Instructed Cornelius to send for Peter. Acts 10:3-8
Peter Release Peter from prison. Acts 12:7
Herod Judged Herod because of his blasphemy. Acts 12:23
Paul Reassured Paul in a storm at sea. Acts 27:23-24

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